Bug in readingv and readingh activities
Emmanuel Charruau
echarruau at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 07:47:53 UTC 2018
This is good for me. More flexible.
Le 7 mars 2018 08:46, "Johnny Jazeix" <jazeix at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> is it also fine to remove the positionning of the items? It will be
> helpful if we decide to reposition them (for example to win some room on
> portrait devices).
> It may not be the case for this activity but could always be useful for
> other ones (especially for the voices, as it's more complicated to get them
> and if we have to record them again, it may be complicated to find a
> contributor)?
> I propose:
> activities/readingh/ ActivityInfo.qml:36
> A word is shown on the board. A list of words, displayed horizontally,
> will appear and
> disappear. Does the given word belong to the list?
> activities/readingv/ ActivityInfo.qml:36
> A word is shown on the board. A list of words, displayed vertically, will
> appear and
> disappear. Does the given word belong to the list?
> Is it fine?
> Johnny
> 2018-03-07 8:33 GMT+01:00 Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau at gmail.com>:
>> Could you could write down the two sentences you would like to appear ?
>> Emmanuel
>> Le 6 mars 2018 19:47, "Antoni Bella Pérez" <antonibella5 at yahoo.com> a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> OK. I'm suggest a reference; text showed in horizontal and vertical
>>> on the left.
>>> Toni
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>>> On dt., març 6, 2018 at 17:17, Emmanuel Charruau
>>> <echarruau at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just tried both vertical and horizontal activities and for me the
>>> message can be the same in both cases. The original word is in both cases
>>> on the right and the message appears in both cases on the left.
>>> Do you mean we should add the way the message is presented?
>>> Regards
>>> Emmanuel
>>> Le 6 mars 2018 16:55, "Antoni Bella Pérez" <antonibella5 at yahoo.com> a
>>> écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I found this:
>>> activities/readingh/ ActivityInfo.qml:36
>>> activities/readingv/ ActivityInfo.qml:36
>>> A word is shown at the top right of the board. A list of words will
>>> appear and
>>> disappear on the left. Does the given word belong to the list?
>>> Horizontal and vertical activities requires a different help message.
>>> Regards
>>> Toni
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