Suggestion of date alteration on Calendar activity
Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes
frederico at
Sun Mar 4 19:43:01 UTC 2018
Hi Johnny and others,
Consta no registro JJ04570 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Johnny, em 04/03/18 escreveu o seguinte:
> Does it deserve a break on the string freeze and one more week to
> publish this version or is it good to go on the next one?
> Temporarily, you can also translate it to any other "special" day
> (theater day for example) as long as you keep the good day to find,
> but it will only work for your language.
It's not necessary to remove it on this release. And since others don't
bother with it (as I saw on other messages) it's ok to me to maintain
it too.
Linux User #228171
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ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)
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