GCompris 0.91 call for translations

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Wed Jul 11 19:20:26 BST 2018

Johnny Jazeix skreiv 12. april 2018 18:47:
> * added localized words for crane activity 
> (https://cgit.kde.org/gcompris.git/tree/src/activities/crane/wordset.js?h=KDE/0.90 
> <https://cgit.kde.org/gcompris.git/tree/src/activities/crane/wordset.js?h=KDE/0.90>). 
> If you want to add words containing letters that are not in the latin 
> alphabet, we need to add them in the images 
> (https://cgit.kde.org/gcompris.git/tree/src/activities/crane/resource/letters?h=KDE/0.90 
> <https://cgit.kde.org/gcompris.git/tree/src/activities/crane/resource/letters?h=KDE/0.90>).

Can’t these three short word lists instead be added as special strings 
in the PO files? Something like this:

#. NOTE: Word list for crane activity.
#. Translate this into a list of 20–30 simple 3-letter
#. words separated by semi-colons (and optionally
#. spaces). The words can only contain lowercase
#. ASCII. letters (a–z). Example:
#. cat; dog; win; red; yes; …
msgid "List of 3-letter words (NOTE: see comment for information on 
translating this)"
msgstr ""

It’s much easier for translators to translate and maintain simple word 
lists like these if they are embedded in the PO(T) files. That is, you 
will get more translations and happier translators (and users).

BTW, I couldn’t find any information on the word lists for the crane 
activity at translation section of the Web site: 

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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