Note names activity plan

Aman Kumar Gupta gupta2140 at
Tue Jul 3 10:11:47 UTC 2018


We have thought of an idea about implementing the note names activity
(which was to be ported from the Gtk+ version to  Qt version).

1. In every level we will have an initial sequence of notes and they will
be presented one-by-one. The notes will slide from right of the staff to
the left slowly.

2. The child has to answer all the notes correctly 3 times in a row
(explained below).

3. Suppose we initially had the sequence in the dataset C3 D3 E3 C3 E3 C3
D3 D3 E3. Here C3, E3 and D3 all are in pairs of 3.

    a. So first we present C3 and the user answers it correctly. Now the
user only has to correct 2 more C3 consecutively (we will keep the count
for every note in the sequence) and the next note in the sequence will be
    b. Suppose he answers it wrong, we set the count of this note to 0.
Then it will be appended at the end in such a manner that the total number
of that note in the sequence will be 3. Now the next note in the sequence
is D3 and it will be presented.
    c. Same principle applies for all the notes in the sequence.
    d. When he answers all the notes correctly 3 times in a row, the level
will be over.

We can increase the difficulty level by offering more notes.

Kindly suggest any idea or improvement/feedback on the principle.

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