Trying the MacOS build again
bj at
Tue Jan 23 13:59:38 UTC 2018
OK. Here’re the commands/edits I used so far:
git clone git://
git submodule init
git submodule update
// needed? omitted this time: ~/Qt/5.6/clang_64/bin/qmake -config release ../gcompris/
{change src/core/CMakeLists.txt line 138, adding AND NOT APPLE after sailfishos} // couldn't find this time around! skipped
{change src/core/CMakeLists.txt line 96, adding "set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE)" in "APPLE" in "BUILD_STANDALONE"}
export Qt5_DIR="/Users/faculty/Qt/5.9.3/clang_64/lib/cmake/Qt5"
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/faculty/Qt/5.9.3/clang_64/bin
cmake -DQML_BOX2D_MODULE=submodule -DACTIVATION_MODE=internal ../gcompris
I still had that odd cmake output, but it continued this time (since I guess I have the submodule now):
-- Building qml-box2d module from submodule
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.14.3 (Apple Git-98)")
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
…it continues & finishes though...
$ make
Scanning dependencies of target createShareFolders
[ 0%] Generating shareFolders
[ 0%] Built target createShareFolders
Scanning dependencies of target BuildTranslations
[ 0%] Built target BuildTranslations
Scanning dependencies of target qml_box2d
[ 1%] Creating directories for 'qml_box2d'
[ 1%] No download step for 'qml_box2d'
[ 1%] No patch step for 'qml_box2d'
[ 1%] No update step for 'qml_box2d'
[ 1%] Performing configure step for 'qml_box2d'
Info: creating stash file /Users/faculty/src/gcompris-0.81/build/qml_box2d-prefix/src/qml_box2d-build/.qmake.stash
[ 3%] Performing build step for 'qml_box2d'
[ 3%] Performing install step for 'qml_box2d'
cp: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [qml_box2d-prefix/src/qml_box2d-stamp/qml_box2d-install] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/qml_box2d.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
So is the make problem derivative of the error CMake communicated? There isn’t a .git tree in the build directory of course so I’m not sure if I should do something to point to that back in the source tree...
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