Reg: Season of KDE 2018

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Mon Nov 20 13:17:28 UTC 2017

Hi Pranay,

we haven't yet decided if we participate to this year SoK. To start, we
have a page for newcomers:

You can reach us either by mail (please subscribe to the mailing list to
avoid having to add you each time and approve your mails) or in irc
(#gcompris on freenode).

We have a page where we try to list the things to do: (you have the different
subprojects on the right)

First step would be to compile GCompris, run it and check what you can do
with it.

You can try to find a task which you'd like to work on. If you find bugs,
you can also try to fix them.

If you prefer to develop an activity on your own, please provide us with a
proposal so we can tell you if it would fit on GCompris or if it needs to
be improved.


2017-11-20 5:17 GMT+01:00 Pranay Ankit <pranayankit414 at>:

> Hi,
> I am Pranay Ankit Tiru, a third year undergraduate student in Computer
> Engineering. I am interested in working on this project:  Add educational
> activities to GCompris (In Qt Quick). How should I start?
> Pranay
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