gsoc postulants application

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at
Sat Mar 18 15:04:39 UTC 2017


after discussing with the other mentors, we decided that it would be 
better if students don't start in advance what they plan to do in their 
There are a lot of things to do to prepare your application for gsoc so 
it is better that you don't work on what you plan to do during gsoc if 


On 03/17/17 09:58, Johnny Jazeix wrote:
> Hi,
> another point, do not put images in the mails directly please.
> There is a size limit for messages and every big message needs moderation.
> Johnny
> 2017-03-16 8:32 GMT+01:00 JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at 
> <mailto:jazeix at>>:
>     Hi,
>     We updated the wiki page
>     <> where you can find some
>     hints on what we expect in the proposals.
>     Also, regarding the current tasks, please avoid to assign to
>     yourself all the tasks you planned to do if you are selected but
>     haven't done work on it yet in order to let other postulants to be
>     able to also ask for these tasks.
>     In most of the cases, you don't need to have more than 3 tasks at
>     same time (even if the review process isn't fast enough and can
>     take time), the more tasks there are, the more difficult it is for
>     us to follow the work.
>     Johnny

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