Qt5 configuration error

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 13:00:39 UTC 2017

The issue is that your Qt5 is either missing things, not well installed or
not found. Can you clean the build folder and run "cmake -DQt5_DIR=**qt
path** ../gcompris".

On my system, Qt5_Dir is /lib/cmake/Qt5 for the system one,
~/Qt/5.6/5.6.2/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 for my custom one.

2017-12-21 11:47 GMT+01:00 Ashwin Samudre <capnoi8 at gmail.com>:

> I have Qt5.7.0 installed, should I reinstall it, if yes which version to
> choose.?
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:13 PM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have you installed Qt?
>>     /home/ashwin/Qt5Config.cmake, version: unknown
>>     /usr/local/Qt5Config.cmake, version: unknown
>> The easier is to get it from https://www1.qt.io/download-op
>> en-source/#section-6 and compile it as in http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Qu
>> ick_development_process#Compilation (export the variable and run cmake
>> && make)
>> On 12/21/17 11:34, Ashwin Samudre wrote:
>> As per mentioned, I added /gcompris after ',,' but now the error says
>> about qt version 5.6.0, I have qt version 5.7.0 installed.
>> Here is the link - https://pastebin.com/SHsbTMVX
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 3:46 PM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Please don't forget to reply to the list.
>>> cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/ashwin/build ..
>>> the last ".." corresponds to the path where gcompris source is. As you
>>> build on ~/build, if you cloned gcompris in ~/gcompris, it should be
>>> ../gcompris.
>>> Johnny
>>> On 12/21/17 11:00, Ashwin Samudre wrote:
>>> The link - https://pastebin.com/P3y1SHZx
>>> I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
>>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> can you paste the full log in http://pastebin.com/ with the
>>>> CMakeCache.txt file (in the build folder) and send us the link? The minimum
>>>> Qt version is 5.6 so it should work :).
>>>> Also, which distribution do you use?
>>>> Johnny
>>>> 2017-12-21 7:03 GMT+01:00 Ashwin Samudre <capnoi8 at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hello, I am Ashwin Samudre, I am trying to build gcompris from source
>>>>> but I'm receiving the "Could not find a configuration file for package
>>>>> "Qt5" that is compatible with requested version "5.7.0" error. I have
>>>>> installed Qt5.7.0 and cmake version 3.5.1. I also tried various links
>>>>> provided on google and stack overflow but nothing seems to work for me.
>>>>> Need help with this issue.!
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