Participation in Season Of KDE 2018

Aman Gupta gupta2140 at
Tue Dec 5 13:06:42 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

I am Aman Kumar Gupta, a 2nd year Engineering Undergraduate pursuing
B.Tech. in CSE at IIIT-BH.
I've been contributing to GCompris since the past few months and want to
participate in the Season Of KDE and will give my best to contribute to
GCompris in whatever way I can :)
I am willing to do the following project:
*Finishing started activity “Programming Maze” and extending a new activity
from it, “Programming Maze Loops” in GCompris.*

Here is the detailed proposal for my project:

I'm not pretty much sure if there are too much tasks in the proposal to be
completed in the given timeline so I'll be very glad to receive suggestions
and improvements on it :)

Aman Kumar Gupta
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