Proposal regarding an idea for adding a new activity, "Solar System".

Aman Gupta gupta2140 at
Mon Aug 28 03:32:30 UTC 2017

Thank you so much for your feedback and explanation Emmanuel. But for now,
i've kept this idea on a pause. First, i want to get acquainted with the
code-base and coding style of GCompris by doing small bug fixes and other
things. Then maybe sometime later, i may think about resuming it! :)

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 2:36 AM, Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau at>

> Hi Gupta,
> I have followed the thread and Johnny told you that we do not want
> something which  looks like
> 1- explanation
> 2- quizz
> and what I read is
> 1- explanation
> 2- quizz
> Interactive in our words does not mean "funny" or "colored".
> It means that the action helps the child to understand.
> I will take an example.
> when in "money with cents" pupils are choosing then giving the good coins
> to reach a given amout of money, there is interaction.
> In your example there is no interaction. I have no idea how to create any
> thought.
> You may start by asking a question and let kid going trough different
> documentations to find the solutions. But will it help him to remember the
> fact? No idea.
> This is at least what we would do in a real class. Presenting different
> docs, creating with the children our lesson and then they learn using it.
> if you want to find a good proposal you will have to be inventiv with this
> kind of activity.
> Regards,
> Emmanuel
> 2017-08-24 20:06 GMT+02:00 Aman Gupta <gupta2140 at>:
>> Author: Aman Kumar Gupta
>> *General Purpose:*GCompris is a high-quality educational suite which
>> aims at making learning easier for children aged 2 to 10. GCompris
>> currently has 137 activities on various topics such as science, maths,
>> games with which it has successfully created a great learning environment
>> for children. However, we can take GCompris one more step forward by
>> creating one new activity which aims at introducing kids, aging 6-10 years,
>> to the Solar System, which is currently unavailable in GCompris. This
>> activity aims at making children aware of the Solar System and making them
>> curious about Extra-terrestrial space in an interactive learning manner.
>> *Screen-wise Mock-up:*This will be a 2-level interactive activity. They
>> are briefly demonstrated below.
>> * Level-1:*The first level is a tutorial level where the child can learn
>> about different planets, stars, etc.
>>    - This screen will contain The Sun, all the 8 planets, stars, and the
>>    Moon and a spaceship, similar to this,
>>    x720-F8c.jpg , ,
>>    or we can place all the planets linearly to avoid confusion to the child as
>>    can be seen here:
>>    p-content/uploads/2015/07/solar-system4.png
>>    <>
>>    - The activity starts with a basic, easy to understand introduction
>>    to the Solar System which would explain about planets, stars, Sun and the
>>    Moon.
>>    - After the introduction, the "Spaceship" will initially be on the
>>    top of the Earth.
>>    - Next, the child will be prompted that he may click on any planet to
>>    explore about it. And when the kid hovers over any planet, its scale
>>    increases with a "bounce" animation, to make it look attractive. And when
>>    the child clicks on any planet, its name will be spelled out and the
>>    spaceship will fly to it, hence making it fun for the child, and an
>>    original picture of the planet will pop-up with the planet describing some
>>    properties about it in the written form.
>> The properties will be as follows:
>> 1. Name
>> 2. Size
>> 3. Position in the Solar System
>> 4. Duration of day and night
>> 5. Number of days in an year
>> 6. Distance from Sun
>> 7. Comparison with Earth, like how many earths can fit inside it. Thus,
>> making it easy to imagine the size of that planet
>> 8. 1 most significant fact about that planet. in the form of "Do you
>> know?", which will arouse the curiosity in the Child to learn more.
>> E.g:
>>    -  "Hello, My name is Jupiter. I'm the largest planet in the Solar
>>    System with a width of .
>>    -  I am the 5th planet in the Solar System 1 day on me is of 10 hours.
>>    -  It takes me 4380 days to complete 1 year (12 years on Earth).
>>    -  I am 778.5 million km away from the Sun.
>>    -  As many as 1300 Earths can fit inside me.
>>    -  Do you know?
>>    -  Jupiter is two and a half times more massive than all the other
>>    planets in the solar system combined!"
>>  After reading about it, the child can click "Close" button on the
>> topmost right of the image and he can continue exploring other planets.
>> This was the tutorial part and there won't be much interaction than this
>> (similar to the Explore Animals activity).  Else it will get complex.
>>    *Level-2:*
>>    - This will be an interactive-quiz level where the child will
>>    actually get involved in the activit
>>    - In this level, there will be certain questions regarding the
>>    planets which would have 4 options and the child has to select the Correct
>>    one.
>>          e.g:  "How many planets are in the solar system?" or, "Which
>> planet is farthest from the Sun?", and there will be Pictures of 4 planets
>> along their names below them.
>>    - There will also be a mix of "Drag and Drop" questions where the
>>    child will be shown an empty Solar System with a list of all the 8 planets,
>>    and will be questioned.
>>          e.g:  "Drag the 5th planet of the Solar System to its position"
>> or "Drag and drop the planet next to Jupiter" or "Drag and drop the largest
>> planet in the Solar System to the indicated position".
>> *Conclusion:*
>> So, this is how I plan to present the Solar system to the kids and teach
>> them in an interactive manner. This may be their first sneak-peak into the
>> world of Extra-terrestrial space.
>> Any suggestions and feedback will be highly appreciated!
>> Regards,
>> Aman Kumar Gupta
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