rahul yadav rahulyadav170923 at
Thu Oct 20 11:21:23 UTC 2016

hey Emmanuel !!
Exactly, we should provide such a tool  to create datasets for the
activities . But i think we should provide it as an option just like
changing modes and provide some authentication to avoid access to children.
this would make test the dataset easier.
Thanks !!

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau at>

> Hi Rahul, hi everybody,
> I did not know what crud was a minute ago but after a bit of google I
> would like to propose an idea of crud implementation.
> I believe that the most efficient way to create and edit is to have a
> "text based editor." Like wikipedia but embeded in our administration tool.
> May seems outdated but I give you an example.
> I started and Sagar is continuing a mutliple choice activity which should
> look like that in the future
> [image: Images intégrées 1]
> Sorry it is in french but you can guess what I mean.
> Let say that in this exercice the sentences to complete is
> "I have seen a red squirrel in a tree.
> And that the pupil has to decide the grammatical class of red and squirrel.
> *User Part*
> On the top of the screen there would be displayed "name" and "adjective".
> On the main part of the window
> "I have seen a red ........... squirrel ............ in a tree."
> the user would have to drag the words on the dots.
> This is for the user UI.
> *Admin part*
> Now on the admin side I would see the interface wiki like.
> A simple text editor.
> The creator of the exercice would write this
> *"I have seen a [red|*name|adjective] [squirrel|*name|adjective] in a
> tree."*
> Why is it more effective than a drag and drop and graphical interface?
> Once the teacher will have created one sentence, he has its structure,
> copy paste and modify the contents in a few seconds.
> He can create an exercice in less than 10mns.
> Much more quickly than through a gui.
> The learning curve for the teacher is not that complicated as he can start
> from existing examples. Then it will be incredibly productive.
> To finish with, we can use this "wiki like" sentence as it is to put in
> our dataset, no need of conversion.
> One negative point, (everything can not be that good). Teacher/exercice
> creator needs to use a keyboard to create his exercices, this will not be
> possible on a normal tablet. Positive point, we have a linux and a windows
> version of GCompris :)
> What do you think?
> Emmanuel
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