GCompris activities for Sugar

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 19:13:40 UTC 2016

On 11/09/16 19:46, Utkarsh Tiwari wrote:
> Hi,
>     SugarLabs is participating in this year's Google Code-In and we 
> would like to propose some ports of pending Gcompris activities(Gtk+) 
> for Sugar. For that we need your help :)
> Could anyone please provide a chronological list of GCompris 
> activities (in order of date creation) which are yet to be ported to 
> Sugar? These ports can be proposed as potential GCI tasks.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ütkarsh Tiwari

there is a changelog in the git repository maybe, you can get the list 
from it (if you need the order), do a diff with the one already ported 
to sugar.

I don't know if the changelog is complete. Else, you can probably check 
on the release notes in the website.


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