[GCompris-devel] GSoC - Letter Classification

Stefan Toncu stefan.toncu29 at gmail.com
Mon May 23 10:08:48 UTC 2016

Hi everyone!

I need some feedback from you regarding one of the activities I have to
develop this summer during the Google Summer of Code program:

In my proposal, I added a video "draft" of a possible approach on the
activity: https://youtu.be/XfkNd7aohiY

Regarding this subject, this is what Emmanuel replied to me:


Hi Stefan,

The video application is really good. You can implement it like this. I do
about the same when we start working on this competence.

1- Then I make it more complicated just showing for example

F ......  H and my pupils have to be able to right G on the middle. Why is
that more difficult you will ask me?

Because they do not have the help of the rest of the alphabet to remember
what we call "la comptine alphabétique" (the alphabetical song) and they
have to do it just using their memory?

2- But then it is really the beginning. The real final goal for a 7 years
old is to be able to search a word in the dictionary using the alphabetic
order, and when he is doing so and opening the pages he will have to know
that a letter is after another one, even with gap between letters.

To train them you could ask to sort letters that are not following each
other, you can give "g a t" and pupils have to sort -> a g t.

3- All this has the goal to sort real words. I would add a level (or
another related activity) to sort real words. With different first letter
to begin with: tree, house, pear.

4- and then last level sorting words starting with similar letters:
literature - literate - literal

At least I did all that with my 7 years old class this year, and this is
not that easy for them :(

Your activity will be a great help next year :)

Tell me what you think, this is maybe too much in a single activity? Maybe
to be splitted in a letter activity and a word activity? Bruno, Johnny,
Sagar, any suggestions are welcome too :)



There would be another matter to address: GCompris is used in many
countries that use different alphabets (for example, in French, there are
some accents grave, acute etc).

How should I approach this inconvenient? Should I develop the activity for
English letters only?

How do you think it's best for children to learn the letter classification?
Please share your ideas!

Thank you

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