[GCompris-devel] Testing GCompris master on Windows

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Jun 26 22:08:03 UTC 2016

Le 25/06/2016 13:25, Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just set up an automatic build for Windows using http://appveyor.com.
> I have been able to make a build for Windows 64 bit only and it is ready
> for testing there:
> http://gcompris.net/download/beta/gcompris-qt-0.70-win64.exe
> It includes the activation code system, you can use the code
> 1095-7E06-A059 to activate it.
> On the missing part:
> - I did not try much to compile Box2D so I disabled it.
> - I failed to make a 32bit build which would be a better option of us,
> schools tend to have really old PCs.
> Feedback is welcome, does it works on your Windows PC?


I got it to build a 32bit version, please test this one instead of the
64 bits:

So now we only miss Box2D for a perfect build.


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