maintainership of the macOS and ios version

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Fri Dec 2 09:53:04 UTC 2016

Hi all,
As you know Bruno can't work as much as before on gcompris.
This means that if we want to maintain gcompris on macOS ans/or ios we
would need somebody else taking care of the release for it.
For macOS, we have though of removing it of the store and putting directly
the dmg on the gcompris site (maybe we can find a continuous build for
macOS, Bruno already took a look and found an hosted CI for Apple and I
found one :
For ios, it's a little more complicated as we need to have a Qt license to
publish apps + the macOS/ios stores license.

Maintening means creating the release when we release, be sure it works
fine, help fixing specific bugs on the platform...

Is someone interested to maintain GCompris for one of these OS (or both) or
do we drop them until we have a maintainer?

Timothée & Johnny
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