Preparation of release 0.70

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at
Thu Dec 1 08:20:31 UTC 2016


We would like to plan for a 0.70 release in about 2-3 weeks (around 
Christmas), starting the string freeze this week-end and the official 
release when we are ready (target date would be December 20th but it can 
be delayed if needed).

For now, the next release contains a few more activities, some hvaing 
been done during this Google Summer of Code:
* crane by Stefan Toncu
* drawletters by Nitish Chauhan
* drawnumbers by Nitish Chauhan
* letter-in-word by Akshat Tandon
* nine_men_morris by Pulkit Gupta
* nine_men_morris_2_players by Pulkit Gupta
* roman_numerals by Bruno Coudoin

Besides this, we have a new search feature to find more easily 
activities and various bug fixes (there was no virtual keyboard in 
target activity for example).

We are also shipped in kde neon (Jonathan Riddell), openSUSE Tumbleweed 
(Bruno Friedmann) and archlinux (Jose Riha).

The versions can be downloaded at:
* android:

* windows: 

Feel free to test and report any bug!

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