[GCompris-devel] Belarusan language resources

Holger Kaelberer hk at elberer.de
Thu Apr 14 07:14:46 UTC 2016

Hi Antos,

On 13.04.2016 20:24, Antos Vaclauski wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a branch http://commits.kde.org/gcompris/a015b09ee24bae70dbf1da89b3b07cc97fc7301e adding gletters and wordsgame resources in Belarusan. Please, review the files.

Looks good to me as far as I can tell. Of course I can't say anything about it semantically. The 
difficulty level obviously should increase with higher levels. Seems that this is the case in your 
levels, but you will know better. In case you want a review by a native speaker you might want to 
try in your translation team.

> Could someone comment whether I made a contribution in a correct way, I mean pushing, commit message etc ?

Yes, fine. I merged to master. You can delete your branch upstream if you don't need it anymore.

Thanks for your contribution,

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