[GCompris-devel] Preparing release 0.50

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Nov 25 00:59:57 UTC 2015

Le 24/11/2015 06:58, Bruno Friedmann a écrit :
> It was mentioned recently in a blog post of Alex Merry
> https://randomguy3.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/library-versioning/
> Not sure there a rule written down. But was used during the last few years.

I had a look at it and I don't think we have a need to follow this rule
as nobody depends on us.

What I started to do is to make releases numbered like 0.40, 0.50, ...

There maybe several releases like 0.51 and 0.52 that are the same
release but for different architecture, this is mandatory for Android as
the x86 binary must be on top of the arm one. So in case of bug fix it
is hard to make a 0.51.1. So I am just making a 0.53 and so on until we
make a new stable branch which will be named 0.60.

Once we are able to supersede the Gtk+ version I plan to use the
year.month release numbering. For now it would add too much confusion.


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