[GCompris-devel] Google Code-in 2015

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Fri Nov 13 00:23:22 UTC 2015


See my remarks bellow.

Le 09/11/2015 11:02, RAJDEEP KAUR a écrit :
> Hi Bruno,
> Sorry for the confusion. With Documentation we are trying to mean
> adding instruction to existing current activites. And for the wiki i
> was just suggesting the we should also add How to download Qt for
> GCompris, I have seen many contributors even facing problem regarding
> that also.
> We are also planning to add easy task such as
> 1. Adding to score config into some activites.
Ok but we must be precise to which one needs it or the student will have
a hard time to find.
> 2. With adding the levels we are planning this for very few activites
> and we will try to be as much as precise. (Under this task i am
> thinking about click on me , Operate canal lock ).
if you mean clickanddraw I agree, we should and could provide more.
Please use the activity name when you want to point it, it is displayed
in its help in the game. Otherwise with the number of activity we have
it is sometimes hard to find out.

For the canal lock, I agree that it could be improved but I don't see
what to add.

> 3. i want to add few more characters to Bonus,(But i need to think
> more about it so not very sure yet).
Why not, I  am fine with this.


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