[GCompris-devel] GCompris 0.40 call for translation

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sat Jun 6 23:39:44 UTC 2015


We are ready to make a new release of GCompris. We created a KDE/0.40
branch which is now in string freeze. We will publish the new release in
2 weeks, the 21th of June. If you need more time, just tell us.

Please note that since the last translation we moved from kdereview to
extragear. For now, the manual has been converted from the wiki meaning
it's the Gtk one and is not yet updated for the Qt version.

For those interested, here are the details summarized by Johnny about
the content of this release.

Since last version (0.34), we added 17 activities making GCompris going
over 100 activities (103 to be precise): algebra_div, babymatch,
babyshapes, braille_fun, chronos, details, geo-country, geography,
hanoi, hanoi_real, imagename, intro_gravity, louis-braille, simplepaint,
superbrain, tic_tac_toe andidd tic_tac_toe_2players.

Moreover, thanks to KDE translation teams, we have 15 languages fully
supported: Ukrainian, Swedish, Spanish, Slovenian (new), Portuguese,
Polish, Norwegian Nynorsk, Italian, German (new), Galician (new),
French, Dutch, Chinese Simplified, Catalan, British English and
Brazilian Portuguese.

Also, following the indiegogo campaign [1], Timothée Giet managed to
update all icons (activities + core ones) along with some background
images. You can see the result in this video [2].

Some core features as new comboboxes (platform independant),
per-activity configuration have also been added. The core documentation
has been fully done by Holger Kaelberer and can be found at [3].

We currently have 2 students for gsoc working in porting and creating
new activities.

Ports for other platforms than android are currently in progress:

- SailfishOS port is available at [4] packaged by Alex Smirnoff. It
works fine except for mining activity. Due to the fact that
QtQuick.Controls are not packaged by Jolla, we can't add GCompris to the
official store but we are still thinking of a way to bypass this.

- MacOS port can be tested at [5] The sound issues has been fixed and
there is still one for fullscreen.

- Windows port is available at [6]. There is a bug concerning audio as
we need to find a format that can be played natively by Windows without
restriction for redistribution (so not mp3) and compressed (so not wav).

- iOS port contains some bugs, svg image bigger than intended [7], some
performance issue when entering some activities, the app purchase is not
coded, a video on ios port is available at [8].

- Ubuntu touch port has been done thanks to ubuntu contributors and can
be found at [9]. As for Windows, there is an issue with audio playing
[10]. A video can be found at [11].

- For Linux distributions, Debian is now providing it under the
gcompris-qt name. As the Gtk+ version still contains more content, it is
important that distributions provide the 2 versions.

So globally, Qt is an excellent choice for GCompris. We have a powerful
toolkit, we can address more platforms than ever and have the vibrant
KDE community behind us.

Next things on the roadmap are:
- Continuing porting activities from the Gtk+ version (about 40 left).
- Completing the different ports.
- Adding the administration module.

More details on the status [12].

Thanks to everyone,


[4] https://openrepos.net/content/temaleva/gcompris
[5] http://gcompris.net/download/beta/gcompris-0.35-Darwin.dmg
[6] http://gcompris.net/download/beta/gcompris-0.35-win32.exe
[7] https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-46137
[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yymSARYoHvc
[9] https://github.com/petitlapin/GCompris-qt/tree/ubuntu
[10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-media/+bug/1424109
[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnkUH4aeK1I
[12] http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_Migration_status

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