[GCompris-devel] Randa Meetings 2015

Holger Kaelberer hk at elberer.de
Wed Jul 1 19:28:09 UTC 2015


as I will be at Randa too, some ideas from my side of what we could put on the schedule there ;-)

- Continue work on the admin-stuff from last year. I did not find the time to finish something 
presentable so far, because of lack of time. I have a working service layer based on JSON-RPC and 
websockets on the server-side, that would need some love with respect to ORM/data-persistence. IMHO 
a working version of a new 'schoolbus'-server would be doable at Randa.

- I'd like to finish the Box2D(-qml) based activity I started already (maybe even before september) 
IMHO the integration of a physics engine like Box2D would entail some new potential to GCompris. I 
Had also a quick look at KDE's step project, which most importantly lacks QML-bindings for us so 
far. Might be a good oportunity to have a look at step's future with other KDE members at Randa.

- Focus on the mobile/touch front: As this a major topic this year at Randa we could learn from what 
other KDE applications and Plasma plan for the integration of mobile devices -- and the other way round.

- Another bigger topic that came up in the past was a feedback (usage) system to gather more 
information about what GCompris users are doing and how. Randa would be a good forum to discuss on 
this topic.


On 07.05.2015 08:18, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Le 07/05/2015 06:26, Sayan Biswas a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Thank you. I would like to achieve some of the activities that I have
>> proposed in my GSoC proposal. I have talked to unormal about the
>> meetings. Can you tell me what else I have to do from my part for the
>> "Randa Meetings"?
> Hi,
> This sounds good to me. We will define later what to achieve. As
> GCompris is moving on it is hard to tell precisely what will be our best
> topic at that time.
>> Pretty excited to meet the GCompris team. Hope to hear from you soon.
> As for the GCompris team, we may end up being the only one there but
> there will be the KDE-Edu team and of course many KDE developers.
> Bruno.
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