[GCompris-devel] GCompris call for translation

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 21:00:36 UTC 2015


we saw a string that can be misunderstood: "non-free" in "Show non-free 
activities" which means in our case "paying activities" and not as in 
freedom of free software.

As it is translated in the second option in at least French and Swedish, 
we prefer to break the string freeze to update it with "Show locked 
activities" instead. I just pushed the patch in git so it should be soon 
available for translations.

It also shifts the maintenance release (planned for yesterday). We plan 
to do the release this week-end so it would be great if the translations 
were up-to-date friday if it's enough time for you to make this change.

Sorry about the extra work but as it could be communicated as "GCompris 
is not 100% free software" we prefered to remove the potential 
misleading before causing a potential mess.


On 01/22/15 00:58, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Hi,
> As you have seen we released the first GCompris version 2 weeks ago. 
> To our pleasure it has been very well received by Android users.
> It took the 1st place in the top new free education application in the 
> French store. It is true that GCompris is very popular in France 
> amongst parents and teachers. We got several reports from teachers 
> telling us that this is their application of choice in their 
> classroom. Those using iPads are now waiting after us and I announced 
> an iPad version for September.
> It turns out that being able to deliver the same application on all 
> mobile and desktops platforms will be a major feature as teachers are 
> moving from school to school and will be sure by betting on GCompris 
> that it will be available whatever the equipment of their next school.
> Beside France, we have significant numbers showing an interest in 
> GCompris in Switzerland, India, Brazil, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi 
> Arabia, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Mexico, 
> Indonesia, Russia.
> On the technical side, I have been personally very impressed by the 
> low number of issues raised considering this is our first release. 
> Before starting again on integrating new activities, we plan to ship a 
> maintenance release the February 2nd, after the Fosdem (BTW, I'll 
> present GCompris there).
> This is a good opportunity to update or add support for new languages.
> As we cannot still have a stable branch on KDE i18n until we are in 
> extragear, we string freeze our master branch and will create a devel 
> branch.
> Bruno.
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