[GCompris-devel] GCompris RELEASE 0.50

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Dec 20 19:09:29 UTC 2015

Le 20/12/2015 19:32, Bruno Friedmann a écrit :
> On Sunday 20 December 2015 19.20:29 Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> Le 20/12/2015 18:48, Bruno Friedmann a écrit :
>>> On Sunday 20 December 2015 18.45:08 Bruno Friedmann wrote:
>>>> On Sunday 20 December 2015 03.50:05 Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>>>>> Hello world,
>>>>> Just on time for Christmas and after 6 months of hard work we are ready
>>>>> to provide the children with GCompris 0.50.
>>>>> If you want to help, please make some posts in your community about
>>>>> GCompris.
>>>>> Tarball: http://gcompris.net/download/beta/gcompris-0.50.tar.bz2
>>>>> (GNU/Linux packagers are welcome)
>>>>> Android arm:
>>>>> http://gcompris.net/download/beta/GCompris-Android-release-signed-aligned-armeabi-dl-0.50.apk
>>>>> Bruno.
>>>> I'm trying to upgrade the openSUSE package created during Randa.
>>>> My concern is mostly that 0.44 was called 
>>>> gcompris-qt-0.44.tar.bz2 containing gcompris-qt/ base path.
>>>> I can adapt the packaging to what seems to be the new name gcompris but it would then
>>>> invalidate previous gtk version (conflict on the name) if called gcompris.
>>>> I would like to know what upstream decide then : 
>>>> keep gcompris name for the gtk version until qt port is stable (1.0x) something
>>>> and then continue to use gcompris-qt for the new port.
>>>> In the second case, it would easier (I guess) packager work to have a consistent source name
>>>> and inside gcompris-qt-VERSION.tar.bz2 and path inside.
>>>> What's your thoughts for this request ?
>>> I've forget to ask ... Most of distribution are trying to save place for storing sources.
>>> so adapting the tar.bz2 to a xz variant would be excellent
>>> 53M gcompris-0.50.tar.bz2
>>> 46M gcompris-qt-0.50.tar.xz
>>> Thanks for considering.
>> Hi,
>> I uploaded a fixed version with the proper package name and the xz
>> compression:
>> gcompris-qt-0.50.tar.xz
>> Bruno.
> Excellent thanks a lot ...
> I've seen the new qml-box2d dep I for my tests bundling it to gcompris-qt package
> The other strangeness failure I got with 0.50 is it can't find lconvert and lrelease when
> it was able before ...
> Okay I know there named and located in strange place 
> Did we make a special patch in 0.44 that would have been lost in the meantime ?

Got it, it had not been backported to master as well. Upload is in
progress under the same name gcompris-qt-0.50.tar.xz completion in 2 mn.


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