[gcompris-devel] Android build fails

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sat Sep 27 20:45:43 UTC 2014

Le 27/09/2014 16:54, JAZEIX Johnny a écrit :
> Hello,
> I just checked why I did a copy of the androiddeploytool:
> * It always erase the AndroidManifest.xml provided by the user (by the
> one in /opt/Qt5.3.0/5.3/android_armv7/src/android/java/AndroidManifest.xml)
> This means, the icon is not taken in account, the permissions granted to
> the application are not the good one, the version is not the good one...
> * Smaller issues : The apk name is always QtApp-debug.apk (cmake enables
> renaming easily). The package name is org.qtproject.example.GCompris (we
> don't really use it).
> If we use the provided androiddeployqt, we will have to update the Qt
> installation directory to update their AndroidManifest.xml by ours and
> don't forget to replace it every time we update our Qt version.
> What do you think ? Is it better to update the AndroidManifest.xml file
> in the Qt installation or to use an updated androiddeployqt that we need
> to compile ?

I would suggest that we keep our patched one for now.

If you are motivated you can implement the ability to pass an 
AndroidManifest to the androiddeployqt.  As it seems to be a common need 
not specific to GCompris we can think the Qt developers will appreciate 
it. If you want to go this way you have to follow the Qt contribution 
process that is defined there:


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