[gcompris-devel] Color activity testing

B.J. bj at koupps.net
Wed Sep 24 13:00:23 UTC 2014

Actually that'd be very helpful for several kids I've seen use the software;
thanks for pointing out...

Or maybe we could have a couple modes, one which reads the correct color
name, and one which doesn't so older kids have to read it instead of hearing
it...it could correspond to the new difficulty setting in the preferences
maybe?  Just an idea, maybe too much for this stage of devel.  Someday I'll
be able to offer a patch to go with an idea :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Charruau [mailto:echarruau at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:47 AM
To: GCompris developpers list
Subject: Re: [gcompris-devel] Color activity testing

Hi Bruno,

My prefered beta tester (Mathilda 3 years old) played to the activity colors
and she is confused by the voices.
She manages quite well when I tell myself the colors, but not when the
tablet does.
The reason is that when she fails, the activity tells the name of the color
she pressed by mistake.
Because she is 3, at the first mistake she already does not remember what
was the requested color.

Could we not add something like "try again... yellow"?


Emmanuel (Allon)
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