[gcompris-devel] Geometry activities propositions

Emmanuel Charruau echarruau at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 22:42:50 UTC 2014

Hi everybody,

I am a french teacher and following a discussion on irc Bruno asked me if I
could describe some geometry applications which could be useful.
Last year I had two classes, CE1 and CE2 which goes from 7 to 9 years old.
I then thought about the following applications that I would have liked for
my pupils:

1- Aligned points
One ruler with two areas, the left area of the ruler is used to move it and
the right is used to rotate it.
Several points aligned or not aligned.
The ruler can help children to decide if the points are aligned or not.
Two buttons, "aligned" and "not aligned" to give the answer.

2- Polygon or not polygon
Here a very basic application with two buttons and the presentation of
several figures. The pupil must press the buttons "Polygon" or "not

3- Square rectangle circle or triangle
Here the same very basic application to decide between rectangle square
circle other "other polygone".
It can seem easy, it is not. As soon as the figure is not in prototypical
position (for exampe that a square has no side placed horizontally) pupils
have lots of problems to recognise it.

4- Right angle or no right angle
On the model of the first activity "Aligned points" we would have several
angles presented and a "set square". Again two areas there on the "set
square", one to move and one to rotate the tool.
Several angles are presented and pupils are invited to tell if they see a
right angle or not.

5- Reproduce a figure - create symétry with tiles
There is already in GCompris an activity which deals with reproduction and
I used it with my pupils and it was a bit too complicated for them because
of the mouse handling and the different options to draw.
It would be great to have the same activity but much simpler. When a kid
touches a tile of the grid it changes color or it goes back white.
Same for the symétrie.

6- Reproduce a figure - create symétry with lines
About the same activity but which asks to reproduce figures made with
lines. A bit more difficult on the drawing handling.

7- Volumes
Recognise different volumes

That's all I can think about at the moment, I will post some more when I
think about more activities.


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