[gcompris-devel] Font handling

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 11:15:24 UTC 2014


I've been starting to add a font selector in the Qt Quick version.

Basically, all the GCompris texts (texts, combobox, labels...) will
use the selected font.

The user can choose all the system fonts except the symbol ones
which are not displayed in the list.

If the license allows it, I wanted to add a dyslexic font
(http://opendyslexic.org/) and a cursive one
(https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Ruluko) directly in GCompris
source so they will be available by default for everybody (I don't
know the easiness to add a font on mobile platforms) .

They both seem libre, free and opensource but there might by something
between the lines I don't see...

For developers, to have the good font, you'll need to change all the
Text elements by GCText (same principe as Audio). I did it for all the
text in the developers/master branch.

Do you see something that I may have missed for fonts handling ?


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