[gcompris-devel] Android build fails

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 10:24:37 UTC 2014


I just got an answer for the bug: it should be possible to take in
account our AndroidManifest.xml, using the
"android-package-source-directory" line in the json.

I'll test as soon as I can and if it is good I'll push it.


2014-09-29 22:05 GMT+02:00 JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> the androiddeployqt tool from the git repository should be compiled with the
> host qmake, not the android one, because the created executable is only used
> on the host.
> I opened a suggestion/bug on the Qt tracker
> (https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-41639). Don't have an answer
> yet but I said I can provide a patch if they want.
> If it's positive, I'll provide another patch to rename the created apk using
> the project name (already provided).
> Johnny
> On 09/29/14 09:48, Jan Boon wrote:
>>> On the GCompris side I think it would be good to remove the ./ before
>>> androiddeployqt in the github repository and in the wiki to make it clear in
>>> .bashrc to set it on the path and change export Qt5Host=gcc_64 in export
>>> Qt5Host=android_armv7 when building GCompris-qt for Android, which is in my
>>> opinion the only sensible target for now.
>>> Regards Jan.
>>> Op 27-09-14 om 22:45 schreef Bruno Coudoin:
>>>> Le 27/09/2014 16:54, JAZEIX Johnny a écrit :
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I just checked why I did a copy of the androiddeploytool:
>>>>> * It always erase the AndroidManifest.xml provided by the user (by the
>>>>> one in
>>>>> /opt/Qt5.3.0/5.3/android_armv7/src/android/java/AndroidManifest.xml)
>>>>> This means, the icon is not taken in account, the permissions granted
>>>>> to
>>>>> the application are not the good one, the version is not the good
>>>>> one...
>>>>> * Smaller issues : The apk name is always QtApp-debug.apk (cmake
>>>>> enables
>>>>> renaming easily). The package name is org.qtproject.example.GCompris
>>>>> (we
>>>>> don't really use it).
>>>>> If we use the provided androiddeployqt, we will have to update the Qt
>>>>> installation directory to update their AndroidManifest.xml by ours and
>>>>> don't forget to replace it every time we update our Qt version.
>>>>> What do you think ? Is it better to update the AndroidManifest.xml file
>>>>> in the Qt installation or to use an updated androiddeployqt that we
>>>>> need
>>>>> to compile ?
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I would suggest that we keep our patched one for now.
>>>> If you are motivated you can implement the ability to pass an
>>>> AndroidManifest to the androiddeployqt.  As it seems to be a common need
>>>> not specific to GCompris we can think the Qt developers will appreciate
>>>> it. If you want to go this way you have to follow the Qt contribution
>>>> process that is defined there:
>>>> http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-Contribution-Guidelines
>>>> Bruno.
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