[gcompris-devel] ubuntu trusty

aishen aishen at free.fr
Mon Feb 24 17:00:58 UTC 2014

yes ...
vers qt 5.0.2
I will update
Le 24/02/2014 17:58, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
> What is your Qt version (qmake -v) ? I see you are at least with Qt5 but
> this class has been added on Qt 5.1
> 2014-02-24 17:55 GMT+01:00 aishen <aishen at free.fr>:
>> Message I got
>> /home/riri/git/GCompris-qt/src/core/main.cpp:6: erreur :
>> QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
>>    #include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
>>                                    ^
>> Le 24/02/2014 17:49, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> if you add
>>> #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> in the main.cpp file, is it better ?
>>> Johnny
>>> 2014-02-24 17:14 GMT+01:00 aishen <aishen at free.fr>:
>>>> Now I put the libs and I have another error :
>>>> /home/riri/git/GCompris-qt/src/core/main.cpp:19: erreur :
>>>> 'QQmlApplicationEngine' was not declared in this scope
>>>>      QQmlApplicationEngine
>> engine(QUrl("qrc:/gcompris/src/core/main.qml"));
>>>>       ^
>>>> Need help
>>>> Le 24/02/2014 16:51, aishen a écrit :
>>>>> I got error while trying to compile git gcompris-qt
>>>>> ________________
>>>>> 16:47:47: Exécution des étapes pour le projet GCompris...
>>>>> 16:47:47: Configuration inchangée, étape qmake sautée.
>>>>> 16:47:47: Débute : "/usr/bin/make"
>>>>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake -spec linux-g++-64 -o Makefile
>>>>> ../GCompris-qt/GCompris.pro
>>>>> Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: svg xmlpatterns
>>>>> make: *** [Makefile] Error 3
>>>>> 16:47:47: Le processus "/usr/bin/make" s'est terminé avec le code 2.
>>>>> Erreur lors de la compilation/déploiement du projet GCompris (kit :
>>>> Desktop)
>>>>> Lors de l'exécution de l'étape "Make"
>>>>> 16:47:47: Temps écoulé : 00:00.
>>>>> any help ?
>>>>> Henri
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Flow-based real-time traffic analytics software. Cisco certified tool.
> Monitor traffic, SLAs, QoS, Medianet, WAAS etc. with NetFlow Analyzer
> Customize your own dashboards, set traffic alerts and generate reports.
> Network behavioral analysis & security monitoring. All-in-one tool.
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