[gcompris-devel] GCompris's future

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun Feb 9 11:47:35 UTC 2014

Le 09/02/2014 12:29, Aruna S a écrit :
>> It was a difficult choice to do and I decided to focus on desktop and
>> tablet, not web. If at some point it is possible to run a Qml based
>> application on the web it will be a plus but this is not that important.
>> Specifically for GCompris, we know that many parents and teachers are
>> reluctant to leave the children on a web browser. Some schools,
>> countries have poor Internet connections and are better served with a
>> real application.
> Coming from India, where Internet facilities are not so good when
> you're at college, I completely agree.
> How do you plan to manage the distribution though? Is it going to be
> similar to the Sugar Project?
I expect GCompris to be distributed through the application stores of 
the different tablet vendors. For the desktop nothing will change.


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