[gcompris-devel] Small details on the Spanish version

Alejandro Díaz adiaz at formacioncontinuazac.gob.mx
Sun Feb 2 17:37:49 UTC 2014

Just downloaded GCompris 13.11.

I'd like to point out some minor Spanish mistakes on the Vocabulary modules.

*On Nature module:

-Appears the word "antilope". It is mispelled, the word is "antílope" (with
an accented "í") and it is mispronounced, due the "i" is accented, it
sounds as shown in http://es.thefreedictionary.com/ant%C3%ADlope

-Appears the word "espárragos". It is mispronounced, due the "á" is
accented, it sounds as shown in

-"frio" lacks an accent. It should be "frío"

-Appears the word "coala". Is most widely used "koala".

-Appears the word "frejol". It should be "frijol"

-Appears the word "mariq uita". Seems to have a blank space in the word,
should be "mariquita"
-Appears the word "mosq uito". Seems to have a blank space in the word,
should be "mosquito".
In general, all the words that have a letter "q" appear to have a space
after that letter... and in some other also appear to have some spacing in
the words, I don't know if it is an unintended effect of the font used...

*On Object module:

-Has the word "jarra". It should be "taza"

-Has the word "humedo". It should be "húmedo"

-Has the word "grasa" (grease) and it is shown with a picture of a fat boy.
On the politically correct point of view, I think this is a bad idea...

-Some words appears with the tittle "adjetivo" (adjective) but they are
shown as nouns (ciego, grasa, loco, frente).

-Has the word "Ancla", but it is mispronounced, since it sounds as is

*On Other module:

-Has a question image with the word "cuestión". "Cuestión" is a
mistranslated word from the English word "question". It should be the word
"pregunta" or "interrogación".

-On level 2, appears what it seems to be verbs: "batir", "hervir",
"romper", etc. If so, the word "ladrido" should be changed to "ladrar" (to
bark) and "sueño" should be changed for "soñar" (to dream)

-On level 3, for the same reason as above, the word "escotilla" should be
changed to "eclosionar" (to hatch) and "beso" to "besar" (to kiss)

On level 4, "olor" should be changed to "oler" (to smell)

On level 7 "abrir" should be changed to "abierta", in order to be an

-On People module:

-"angel" is an accented word, should be "ángel"

-"cafe" is an accented word, should be "café"

-it says and reads "de pestañas" (literraly, "of eyebrows" in English
language). The word "de" (of) is not needed.

-it reads and says "sudar" (as in verb to sweat) but since it is parts of
the body, should be "sudor"

-it reads and says "vestir" (as in verb to dress) but since it is clothing,
should be "vestido"

-it reads and says "corto" (as an incorrect translation of the english word
"short" as in clothes) but since it is about clothing, should be "pantalón

-it reads and says "librero" (library), but since it shows a person in
charge of a library, the correct word is "bibliotecario" (librarian).

-it shows the word "ladrón" (thief) in the category "work"... again, in the
politically correct side, I don't think it should be regarded as a work, in
the same level of a teacher, a doctor, an artist...

And on the Reading Exercise (the one that has an icon with a face smiling
and the words "soleil? and "lune?"), it shows the word "torta" to
illustrate a cake. However, the word "torta" has different meanings in
spanish spoken countries (see http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torta). I
believe the word "pastel" conveys in a better way the meaning.

Lic. Alejandro Díaz Infante, MTE, MSL
Departamento de Capacitación
Secretaría de Educación de Zacatecas

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