[GCompris-devel] GCompris-devel Digest, Vol 2, Issue 24

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Tue Dec 30 20:08:20 UTC 2014

Le 30/12/2014 20:26, Samira Boulanouar a écrit :
> Hi ;
>   I use Windows and I will install a Gtk+.


First, when you reply to a mail to the list just keep the part your are 
answering to and write under it. This makes it easier to follow long 

The Gtk+ version is very complex to compile on Windows, I would not 
recommend you to do so. You can download the binary for Windows on 
gcompris.net and I just sent you the activation instructions to let you 
access all the activities.

That said, software development are easier to do on a GNU/Linux 
distribution. For the Qt version you can develop on Windows but our 
instructions are usually orientated towards Linux developers.


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