[gcompris-devel] Introduction

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Aug 20 10:54:32 UTC 2014

Le 19/08/2014 16:35, Robert Lewis a écrit :
> Just to put a human touch on this discussion which I much appreciate.
> I am an ageing Grandfather who baby sat this 5-yr old Granddaughter last
> week.
> Her mother wanted me to introduce her to chess.   She had been playing on
> her own
> with my computer many many Gcompris games and learning material doing
> surprisingly
> well.  I think on her own she had mastered about 50 different games in the
> program bouncing
> around and following her interest.  Quite amazing and a wonderful
> testimonial to the fine work
> that has gone into this program.  After using the chess board to get her to
> memorize the names
> of the pieces followed by trying to teach her a few moves we discovered the
> Gcompis chess
> but sadly was never able to get it to work on my Ubuntu system.
> Again, thanks for your great work and consideration!


Thanks a lot for your feedback. I am glad GCompris helped your 
Granddaughter to learn a lot.

You make me realize that our chess activity does not display the name of 
the pieces which is a must. We have to do it in the new version.

For now the best is to use a real chess board to play with your 
Granddaughter. Sorry for that.


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