[gcompris-devel] Better font sets

Michael Bauer fios at akerbeltz.org
Wed May 22 09:05:26 UTC 2013

It is to me too but then I'm not a developer :)

I went to the 
page and about 1/3 down, there's a Feature pdf. I then went to check the 
display of the letter a and l and saw that the same font contains two... 
variants, one with and one without a tail. Apparently they're selected 
by choosing some setting but I have no idea how.


22/05/2013 01:25, sgrìobh Bruno Coudoin:
> Hi,
> I have not checked how font works but this is really confusing to me. 
> I don't see at which level this 'true/false' should be done. Do you 
> have online pointers to let me check this.
> Bruno. 

*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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