[gcompris-devel] Integration of Braille Activities

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Wed Sep 7 23:01:30 UTC 2011

Le mercredi 07 septembre 2011 à 11:20 +0200, Listes (José Jorge) a
écrit :
> Bruno, could you please provide a tarball with activities to put over
> a 
> current gcompris installation, maybe we'll get much more testing with
> that. I 
> don't remember if we can even lauch them from any directory?

Good idea, you can download the following tarball:

Detar it under /usr/share/gcompris on GNU/Linux
or under C:\Program Files\GCompris\share\gcompris on Windows.

Then run GCompris with the option --reread-menu

The new activities are in the 'discovery' top level section.

Last point, yes we are on track for making GCompris a complete operating
system before Emacs...


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