[gcompris-devel] display of Hebrew text in Gcompris v9.x.x

Jorge Mariano jmariano at ymail.com
Sat May 14 13:00:41 UTC 2011

Hi Bruno and All ,

when using the Hebrew locale (language) in Gcompris, as of the start of version 9 of Gcompris the display of the Hebrew text in certain modules of Gcompris is broken. 

for :

introduction page of Gcompris




we can only see the UTF-8 characters codes not the police font, as if there is no police font specified for this activities/page

another problem is that in :


in the text tool option, in order to do a space or line return we have to use a key combination.
ex to do a space we need to use shift+spacebar
ex to do a next line we need to use a key combination of Shift+Enter

any chance that anybody (programmers) will take a few minutes of your precious time to take a look at the code and activate a police font to this activities ?

Thanks in advance,


PS at worst case scenario, please use a default font, if not then there is fonts available under free licenses which can be included in Gcompris

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