[gcompris-devel] Happy new year. GCompris resolutions.

F Wolff friedel at translate.org.za
Thu Jan 6 09:55:48 UTC 2011

Op Wo, 2011-01-05 om 01:39 +0100 skryf Bruno Coudoin:
> - A geography activity where the children can learn about country,
> capital names, number of people, famous monuments, ...
> - A color tool where the children could mix colors (like creating
> green
> by mixing red and blue).
> - continuing the work done around the hangman in which an extract of
> wiktionary was done to get a good amount of work definition and thus
> create exiting activities in reading / writing.
> - An open source book in collaboration with Floss Manuals. I will send
> a
> specific email about that later: http://en.flossmanuals.net/
> And you, what are your plans, do you plan to contribute something to
> GCompris or is there some features you really miss but have no idea on
> how to proceed, just let us know ...

Hi Bruno

I hope to update all aspects of the Afrikaans localisation this year,
including word lists and voices.

I like the idea of the geography activity. I would like to see something
with the countries of Southern Africa better represented, or something a
bit more relevant to children here than some of the current geography

Keep well

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