[gcompris-devel] Translation update for GCompris 9.0

Khaled Hosny khaledhosny at eglug.org
Tue Dec 15 22:18:59 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 09:10:08PM +0100, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Le mardi 15 décembre 2009 à 12:42 +0200, Khaled Hosny a écrit :
> > Hi Bruno,
> > 
> > 'intltool-update -p' gives several warnings about not properly
> > localizable strings and error about missing file, please check it.
> I just tried but I don't see any errors. Khaled are you up to date, can
> you post the errors please ?

I'm running this against up to date copy of the repository, using
intltool 0.41.0.

$ git pull
Already up-to-date.

$ intltool-update -p
./../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:626: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                   The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                   Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                   and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
./../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:644: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                   The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                   Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                   and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
./../src/administration-activity/admin/wordlist.py:45: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
./../src/babymatch-activity/shapegame.c:1847: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                       The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                       Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                       and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
./../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:625: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                                  The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                                  Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                                  and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
./../src/colors-activity/colors.c:169: warning: 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized:
                                                The translator cannot reorder the arguments.
                                                Please consider using a format string with named arguments,
                                                and a mapping instead of a tuple for the arguments.
xgettext: error while opening "./../src/gcompris/gc-marshal.c" for reading: No such file or directory
ERROR: xgettext failed to generate PO template file. Please consult
       error message above if there is any.

 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer
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