[gcompris-devel] Problems starting Version 8.4.5

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed May 14 22:25:09 UTC 2008

Le mercredi 14 mai 2008 à 21:40 +0200, Jürgen Flosbach dk a écrit :
> Hallo
> I just compiled GComprise Version 8.4.5 successfully. But the start 
> screen is almost empty. No icons at the left boarder. And a message pops 
> up saying
> can not find or load the following file
> skins/gartoon/boardicons/puzzles.svg
> But, this file is there, available and accessible. I could display that 
> image with ImageMagic.
> What might be the problem ?
> I run Suse 10.0 constantly updated to the latest level .

try to run this command:
gcompris --reread-menu

Let us know if this work. If not, check if the path that are displayed
in the console are correct:
package_data_dir, package_locale_dir, package_plugin_dir,

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