[gcompris-devel] Installing Gcompris offline on Ubuntu

Yves Combe yves at ycombe.net
Mon Mar 24 15:44:50 UTC 2008

Samuel Murray a écrit :
> Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>> Back on the non connected pc:
>> - copy the directory in /tmp/ (so that you have /tmp/gcompris/)
>> - from synaptic, go in file -> add downloaded packages
>> - select /tmp/gcompris
>> - GCompris packages should be detected now and listed under
>>   'To be installed', just click Apply.
>> Please tell us if this works.
> Unfortunately Synaptic doesn't "add" the packages even if you select it. 
>   And it doesn't appear on the list (well, perhaps it should be on the 
> list first, who knows).  I now have 120 packages in /tmp/ but the only 
> way to install them is to double-click them one by one (and reading the 
> error messages telling me about dependencies that need to be installed 
> before the one I've just clicked).
You can transform a directory with deb files into regular archives for apt:
see man apt-ftparchive for the details

You will need to add this directory to your sources.list then.

If you change the contents of the directory, rerun apt-ftparchive and 
update the index of apt.

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