[gcompris-devel] Installing Gcompris offline on Ubuntu

Samuel Murray leuce at absamail.co.za
Mon Mar 24 12:52:04 UTC 2008

Bruno Coudoin wrote:

> Back on the non connected pc:
> - copy the directory in /tmp/ (so that you have /tmp/gcompris/)
> - from synaptic, go in file -> add downloaded packages
> - select /tmp/gcompris
> - GCompris packages should be detected now and listed under
>   'To be installed', just click Apply.

> Please tell us if this works.

Unfortunately Synaptic doesn't "add" the packages even if you select it. 
  And it doesn't appear on the list (well, perhaps it should be on the 
list first, who knows).  I now have 120 packages in /tmp/ but the only 
way to install them is to double-click them one by one (and reading the 
error messages telling me about dependencies that need to be installed 
before the one I've just clicked).


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