[gcompris-devel] How to open animation files

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at gcompris.teia.bio.br
Wed Sep 26 16:47:00 UTC 2007

Hi dear friends,

Is it possible to open the .gcanim files, created by the animation
activity on GCompris using a external app? We have a school here in
Brazil that would like to show the students productions made with this

Best regards,

Linux User #228171
Debian-BR User #434
Sítio pessoal: http://teia.bio.br
Projeto GCompris Brasil - http://gcompris-br.org

"Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há
ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)

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