[gcompris-devel] can't find or load

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Sep 18 19:19:45 UTC 2007

Le lundi 17 septembre 2007 à 22:29 +0200, José Jorge a écrit :
> Yannis a écrit :
> > I installed Gcompris 8.4, but when I'm trying to run it, I get this
> > message:
> >
> > "I can't find or load the file skins/gartoon/boardicons/math.svg. This
> > activity is incomplete. Exit and report the problem to the authors."

It seems like this file does exist in the latest version. Don't you have
a mixup of several GCompris releases, in /usr and in /usr/local. 

> > Also, the sound effects is disabled and I can't enable them.

Hum, perhaps an issue with gstreamer. Can you check gstreamer is
installed and has the ogg support.

You can try by hand if gstreamer can play an oggvorvis file by running
the following command (replace X.ogg by an ogg file location), all on
one line:
gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=X.ogg ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec !
audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink

> > Yannis
> >   
> How did you install it?

Good question, how dit you install it ?

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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