[gcompris-devel] [sugar] GComprisXO progress

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Jul 15 01:37:46 UTC 2007

Le mardi 03 juillet 2007 à 00:34 +0200, Bert Freudenberg a écrit :

> Each activity instance then can be single threaded and does not need  
> to manage multiple invocations. It still needs to create a dbus  
> service providing the activity instance protocol as described in
> 	http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activity_DBus_API

It mentions that an activity instance needs to support the following

I can't see where it's implemented in Squeak, can you please point
me to the code.

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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