[gcompris-devel] sdl sound

José JORGE jjorge at free.fr
Sun May 16 12:48:00 UTC 2004

Are you sure, as I read this? : 
"It is not guaranteed, that threads with different priorities really behave 
accordingly. On some systems (e.g. Linux) there are no thread priorities. On 
other systems (e.g. Solaris) there doesn't seem to be different scheduling 
for different priorities. All in all try to avoid being dependent on 
priorities. "

Em Sábado 15 Maio 2004 09:49, o Bruno Coudoin escreveu:
> Good point, can you play with the thread priority. Just change it in
> soundutil.c based on the API here:
> http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Threads.html#GThreadPriori
> Is this better if you disable the background music.
> Bruno.

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