[gcompris-devel] SDL audio output

José JORGE jjorge at free.fr
Wed May 5 14:21:00 UTC 2004

Em Quarta 05 Maio 2004 01:52, o Bruno Coudoin escreveu:
> I try to implement an SDL audio output in gcompris and believe me or
> check the cvs, it WORKS and it was fairly easy to implement.
> I don't saw any glitches using it so I am commiting it for others to
> test. I did not moved out the old player with ao.
> It brings these new dependancies:
> libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0
> libSDL-1.2.so.0
> libsmpeg-0.4.so.0
> libasound.so.2
> libaudio.so.2

Well I made cvs update then ./configure and it didn't complain about new 
dependencies. then a make complained. is it normal, shouldn't we have an 
error in configure?


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