[gcompris-devel] Three new python boards

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Wed Mar 31 22:28:23 UTC 2004

Bonjour Bruno,

I have packaged the three boards we have coded during the past four days 
(learning python). They are inspired by the EPI programs algorithme and 

- algorithm: recognize the pattern and repeat it (ABCABC or ABCCBA or 
ABCDABCD or ...)
- minouche: find the strawberry hidden (color codes distance)
- hexagon: the hexagonal variant of minouche (I particularly like this 
board, it looks very pretty) [RPGers like hexagonal maps for their easy 
distance measurement]

Particularly I managed to squeeze the following information out of the 
python source code/documentation/web and provide an example for it:

- using the score functions in python
- using polygons with the canvas in python
- altering canvas objects' properties


PS: This tarball lacks the Makefile.am patches to include the boards 
into gcompris. If you want me to provide it simply ask (we simply copied 
the files into our installed gcompris).
PPS: I did not manage to get semitransparent rects (is that correct)
P3S: Gcompris plays well with gnome-canvas 2.6 (debian/experimental)
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