[gcompris-devel] Looking for a new temporary italian translator

Immacolata Arenga imma at eppesuigoccas.homedns.org
Mon Mar 15 14:47:47 UTC 2004

First of all I apologize to Guido for my late answer (he wrote me to an 
address that I don't use anymore).

I'm translating Gcompris texts into italian from 2002. I've thought to do the 
same with the sounds, but because of technical problems and lack of time I 
never did it. Thus I was glad when I read on the list that Guido, Francesco 
and Roberto proposed to translate voices into italian, especially because they 
wanted to use a child voice.

Finally today I heard Francesco's translation that I appreciated, but there 
wasn't a child voice. I'm sorry, but I haven't had enough time to check, as he 
asked, for possible mistakes.

Unfortunately until May I won't dedicate to Gcompris, so I'm asking Guido and 
Roberto to update texts when it will be required, as they proposed in their 

Thank you,

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