[gcompris-devel] gcompris summit the 21,22/2 at the Freedem in Bruxelle/Belgium

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sat Jan 24 01:16:01 UTC 2004

That's two different issues. What's important is to make sure school are
not obliged to use Windows to access educational content. Going online
is helping us but it does not help in all the situation.
Home user and some schools my be interrested in a windows version.
So windows is still on my roadmap.


Le ven 23/01/2004 à 11:59, Christof Petig a écrit :
> Bruno Coudoin schrieb:
> > We are winning because the windows platform becomes irrelevent.
> Does this mean that the plan to port gcompris to mingw is given up? Do 
> you have any loose ends for me to pick up? (No, I do _not_yet_ have time 
> to spend on it)
>     Christof
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