[gcompris-devel] Freeedem & Fosdem...

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Feb 18 15:37:25 UTC 2004

Le mer 18/02/2004 à 14:45, Olivier Samyn a écrit :
> Hello Bruno and all other...,
> I just saw Bruno makes his presentation at 14:40 saturday.
> But... what next ?
> When will we meet and discuss about the future and the taste of belgian 
> beer ? :)
> Does anyone already have some planning  ?

I will arrive in Bruxelle at 08:10 at the Intl airport (I come direct
from Toulouse). So I should be there at 9 hopefully.

For my planning, I have several meeting to follow for ofset beside the
ones for gcompris.

For sure, the sunday morning (sprint) is a good place to be there
altogether discussing gcompris and helping others.

For the saturday night, I was thinking following the crowd to the party.
Will you go ?


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